How Clay Uses Verisoul to Save $175K Monthly on Fake Accounts
Bot Detection

Prevent bots and automated attacks

Automatically block bots across your application without CAPTCHAs. Advanced AI analyzes every user interaction, device, and network to detect bots.
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Stop bots & fraud with next-gen detection based on AI

Bot Accounts
Prevent automated account creation and content posting

Payment Fraud

Identify card testing, brute force attacks, and bot transactions
Account Takeover
Prevent credential stuffing and brute force attacks

Detect the most sophisticated bots in real-time

Behavioral analysis
We use AI to analyze every user input for human vs. bot behavior (clicks, mouse moves, touches, keys).
Device intelligence
Advanced AI analyzes device and browser data for anomalies, scripts, or indicators of virtualization.
Residential & Mobile Proxies
We use 10+ active tests to validate the network connection and identify even never-before-seen proxies.
Completely frictionless
All of the prevention, without any of the friction. A CAPTCHA-free bot detection.

"Verisoul has allowed us to make a huge leap in security, both in increasing our detection accuracy and saving us time."

—  Keith Dunne
VP Of Security
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How it works

Collect device & behavior
General event listeners capture behavioral & device data instantly.
Analyze bot signals
Use AI to analyze behaviors and device data for bot signals
Real-time decisioning
Get a real-time decision on whether the user is a bot.

Intelligence & Behavior in one API

Verisoul combines device intelligence, proxy intelligence, and user behavioral insights into a single general integration across all of your apps.
Explore Documentation

Read why Community Gaming switched to Verisoul's bot prevention

“With Verisoul, we essentially have a better feature set, lower friction for real users, and a more dedicated support team.

And we get all of this at a fraction of the cost - we saved 80%. ”
Sasa Pesic
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